Monday, October 13, 2008

Okay, I have been wanting to do this blog stuff for a while now. I just couldn't decide if it should a family blog or a photography blog. Since I can only manage one, It will be a mixture of both.

This is my life right now, Football Football and yes more Football, but look how cute kainoa is, yes he is the littliest one on the team (he would argue that number 46 is the same height). He has skills though, he is very fast and tough. He is currently playing the position of running back and corner back. His team is winning most of their games and are hoping to be in the play off's and be the first team to make it with all boys playing for their first year.

1 comment:

Carmen (Cholico) Lynch said...

What a stud! I hope one day Carson will play football as well! It's kind of neat that Carson will look like a lot like Kinoah one day! Such handsom boys!