Thursday, October 16, 2008

I was so busy today, three sittings. I started out this morning with my good friends the lot family. They are always so fun to take pictures of because they are up for just about anything. They have been loyal clients of mine from the start. A big thank you to them. I hope each year its getting better. So here is your sneak peak at a few pictures.


Alyssa said...

Hey Mindy...Love the photos. I miss you being able to take pics of our kids whenever I need you to. You take such great pictures and you always capture their personalities. I am glad you are blogging. It makes the distance seem so much smaller from here Florida to Utah. Keep checking our blog. The kids like to know people are reading about them. Love ya, Alyssa

OMI said...

way to go Mindy! I love the blog!

Missy Gowans said...

Hi Mindy, Love the pictures!!!!